Monday, September 26, 2011

NearU [Gardarika guest podcast #25] - Fill

Track List
01. Tycho - Adrift [Ghostly International] 
02. Boards Of Canada - In A Beautiful Place Out In The Country [Warp] 
03. Phil Gerus - Missing Part [Phonocake] 
04. ConsolerCtrl - Herd Prep [n/a] 
05. Global Communication - 14:31 [Dedicated] 
06. Loscil - Shallow Water Blackout [Kranky] 
07. Fill - Involved With The Shadow [Nightmusic] 
08. Nest - Charlotte [Serein] 
09. Parachutes - Where Were You? [n/a] 
10. Melomake - I Have Lost [Cold Fiction] 
11. Harold Budd - One True Love [Commotion] 
12. The Flashbulb - The Basement Guitarist [Alphabasic] 
13. Dentist - Lst Trck [n/a] 
14. Ilya Wazuhiru - Void [n/a] 
15. Naono - Withoutsound [n/a] 
16. Boards of Canada - Over The Horizon Radar [Warp] 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Twentythree - Carbon Based Life Forms

CBLF produce very slow, atmospheric albums. This one is completely beatless.

I was very disappointed at first  but in the right state of mind, falling asleep on a plane for example or working quietly at the PC, this is pretty damn good.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday - The Weeknd

Download all TheWeeknd's albums, free, from here:

Can't get enough of this guy's work.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Flying Lotus

From his album Cosmogramma, that I haven't put up as an album of the week, yet.

Monday, September 5, 2011

World of Sleepers - Carbon Based Life Forms

Look at the pattern, can you see what's wrong?
it's supposed to be perfect, but really it's not.

Can you find the flaws, hidden in structured code.
hiding in the pattern, in between the rows.

Now that you know that something's not right,
look at it carefully, in pale logic light.

Don't be sorry, if you can't recognize
the errors and faults, in such a perfect disguise.

Only illogics can find hidden flaws in a straight logic line
Only erratics recognize errors in patterns of a perfect design.

...strange stuff indeed.